Molecular-design of a New Phenolic Antioxidant--Effect of Substituent on o-Position--
Yasukazu OHKATSU, Tomoya AOSHIMA and Kazuo YAMAGUCHI
Molecular Design of Chemical Probe for Bioimaging of Nitrogen Monooxide
Tetsuo NAGANO and Hirotatsu KOJIMA
Oxygen Reduction on Uncorroded Steel in Neutral Unbuffered Chloride Solutions
Yoshikazu MIYATA and Shukuji ASAKURA
Behavior of Sodium in the Silica Alumina Gels Prepared by the Instantaneous Mixing Cogelation--Influence of Sodium on Surface Area, Solid Acid and Catalytic Properties--
Hiroto HIRANO, Mitsuyasu HIRANUMA and Ken-ichi MUKAIDA
Ammonium-Ion-Exchange Reaction of Titanium Dioxide Hydrate Fibers
Masataka AIHARA, Masahiko ITO, Kaoru IGARASHI, Tadao SHIMIZU and Fu Ping WANG
Functional Group Transformation of alpha-Trifluoromethylated Alcohols Using Salts as Nucleophiles
Toshiki HAGIWARA, Minoru ISHIZUKA and Takamasa FUCHIKAMI
Synthesis of New Branched Polysaccharide by Ring-Opening Polymerization of Anhydro-Deoxyglucose Derivative and the Subsequent Glycosylation of the Polysaccharide Derivative
Kenichi HATANAKA, Sanae OHTA, Maria Carmelita Zulueta KASUYA and Ken-Ichi KANNO
Preparation of a Polyurethane Film Having High Water Vapor-Permeability and Its Physicochemical Properties
Masaru TSUNODA and Tatsuhiko KOBAYASHI
Preparation of a New Wound Dressing Composed of a Polyurethane Film Which is Impregnated
Silver Sulfur Diazine, and a Non-Woven Fabric
Masaru TSUNODA, Hiromu SATO, Kei YAMADA and Hiroshi NOGUCHI
Formation of Sodium cyclo-Triphosphate by the Thermal Reaction of Sodium Dihydrogenphosphate-Organic Nitrogen Compound Mixtures
Atsushi TAKENAKA, Satoshi KIKUI, Itaru MOTOOKA and Hiroyuki NARIAI
Block Copolymer Thin Films of DL-Amino Acids and Alkylene Oxide as Alignment Films for Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals
Naoko MIKAMI and Masao HONMA