The Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan
English language, monthly, 2,800 pages/320 papers for 2001
The Bulletin publishes original research in Theoretical and Physical Chemistry, Analytical and Inorganic Chemistry, Organic and Biological Chemistry, and Applied and Materials Chemistry.
Authors can contribute both articles as well as scientific accounts, and each month the Editorial Board chooses a CSJ Award Article for conducting original research of particular importance
to the advancement of chemistry. All print subscribers receive free access to the online edition. The Editor-in-Chief of the Bulletin
of the Chemical Society of Japan is Norihiro Tokitoh, Kyoto University.
2014 Subscription Rates
Membership Type. |
Inside Japan |
Outside Japan |
Individual1 |
¥10,200 | $167 |
Corporate2 |
¥72,000 | $1,407 |
1via surface mail (for airmai delivery, please contact the Membership Division)
2via airmail
History of the BCSJ
The Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan (BCSJ), originated in 1926,
publishes original papers in English. It was the sole foreign language journal
of the CSJ until the advent of Chemistry Letters for rapid communication in
1972, when the BCSJ (Vol. 45) contained 670 Articles, 194 Notes, and 124
Communications. In 1993, a full-text database system was established with the
support of a Grant-in-Aid from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports,
Science and Technology.
A major change in the BCSJ occurred in 1995, when Notes
were discontinued and replaced with Short Articles, Accounts, and Headline
Articles. Furthermore, the cover of the Journal was redesigned and an Advisory
Board consisting of 18 distinguished foreign and domestic chemists was
established. The revisions greatly improved the quality of the BCSJ, although the
number of submitted papers decreased somewhat. To provide a strong incentive to
those who submit papers to the BCSJ, the Editorial Committee started selecting
the Best Article of the Month, and the corresponding graphical abstract relevant
to the Article began to be reproduced on the cover page of that issue. Thanks to these
efforts, the Impact Factor of the BCSJ has been increasing in recent years; 1.34 in
1997, 1.34 in 1998, 1.52 in 1999, and 1.83 in 2000.
Some statistics of the
BCSJ for 2001 (Vol.74) are: number of issues 12, circulation 37,200 (including
ca. 1,500 distributed to more than 60 countries), total pages 2,520, number of
papers 315 (Accounts 20, Headline Articles 12, Short Articles 42).
A web version of the BCSJ became accessible via ChemPort using the server of J-Stage
in January 2002. There have been a large number of visits to the BCSJ website,
particularly from foreign countries. This indicates that web publishing will
raise the Impact Factor considerably in the near future. An electronic
submission and reviewing system started in 2003.
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